
To understand American independence day, July 4,1776

July 4, 2013
About 150 years ago Gettysburg battle of the Civil War took place.  To understand the difference between the North and the South we should go back to the Independence War.
(to be continued)
As you know the North were basically found by the Puritans , Calvinists.  They believed strongly in studying
Bible and through that Massachusetts and its vicinity had Universities from the start.  This is quite often mistaken by the scholars in the world as the American standard. One example is the Japanese writer/historian, Shiba Ryoutarou, mentioned that the American nation was not founded by convicts but by middle class Christian Puritans, strict to themselves and hard working highly interested in education.
But a professor in Keio who received Ph.D. in Johns Hopkins mentioned that is not true.
The South were group of colonies interested in  having nice life, cultivating land and live as  plantation owners and they are Episcopal Church members, in another word Church of England. They wanted to have nicer lives in these new frontiers. English were not disordered like the colonialists living in America where wanted to expand their territories and take lands away from the natives.  You can easily see in difference between Canada and the USA history over the treatment of the natives. So, George Washington's interest was to expand the colonial territory west of Appalachia mountains, whereas the homeland, English did not want any disordered expansion.  American colonialists and even today Americans generally don't like to pay tax. English came with the idea of tea tax, thus Bostonians dumped tea to the bay with Indian outfit and the war started between the two.
Pennsylvania was given to William Penn, a Quaker, from King Charles and became a colony with tolerant view to religious groups.  They were very strong pacifist and this pacifist capital, Philadelphia, became the capital of declaration of Independence I think shifted all of the thirteen colonies to move to independence.
I think America was lucky to have Pennsylvania as in the center between the northern states and the southern states of America as being liberal and tolerant colony/state.

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