July 1, 2013
Dear Students and Friends
Let me start with some testimony by Society of Friends.
Some practical Commitments/Testimonies
that grow out of Faith.
Simplicity 簡素な生き方をする。
Peace 平和を築くために積極的に働く。
Integrity 誠実に神と人に接する。
Community 共同体をよりよくするために奉仕する。
Equality 平等に人を尊び、社会から差別をなくす。
Stewardship 環境保全に留意し社会に積極的に働きかける。
Aoyama Gakuin students should be aware to do the work given and be serious and participate in classes.
The school does not allow anyone not performing to be promoted. I would start collecting all the given works and InterAction participation is required.
Nihon University students must answer the last three questions of the chapter.
Meiji students should follow the given assignments.
Keio will be Social Studies.
Ferris Students(Monday) should remember there is no class on July 15.
The essay writing test will be given on the educational value of Korean schools and other non-Japanese education in Japan.
What were some reasons why people need to take a vacation?Why are such vacations important?
The outcome for this unit is to write a paragraph explaining how much vacation time you need.
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