September 15, 2023
About a dream a dream:
pondering whether to follow my intuition or not.
I had a call from my friend Ishimoto of his claim to get the money back from Yokohama Christian School.
I should write more detail about my concept of the case (question of the existence of "Christian" school
and my idea of not to be involve or even step on their "Christian" building., and more having biased on the concept and action of "great American" spreading the faith.
Whatever it is I think I should terminate the relation with them soon though my wife is very much involve and taking care all the function of what Pastor should be doing. They had no Pastor for four five years though Pastor Linda was behind the scene all the time making Alisha as her instigator for Yokohama Christian School.
I think their priority is a school and secondary or even more bottom on the list is their church.
There is a puppet show and some descent Christian group coming this week.
I hope this month will be a last week to be there.
(Let me add my feeling to this case. Ishimoto's adopted daughter age 3 was there. She had some kind of bruise, somebody reported to Alisha and Alisha send her to Child government consulting and she never return to the Ishimoto. Of course, Ishimoto may had some problems but I do not understand
how a "Christian" group could do it. I already had an experience of my books being thrown away without consultation. That is OK because they are materials but I can not tolerate doing to a human being, a person in whatever situation. I cannot tolerate the situation. Maybe be American culture is possible.) I spoke to my wife about a dream of that I had today. I mentioned my strong feeling to a bicultural kid as I am. We always had a chance of being thrown away, but I was fortunate not. I saw many cases thrown away, so I don't like throwing away things and persons.
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