March 11, 12, 13, 2023
Dear Friends and ambitious educators of teaching English in Japan.
We had IB as a new global standard and immersion of international schools like weeds in Japan now.
I was involved with all of them.
Forty years ago I got my Japanese teacher's credential through Seiko Gakuin student teaching.
I was the oldest and only one not a graduate of the school.
Brother Thomas then the principal told one of the founders of missionary, Brother Isidore, that the future of English education will be someone like me who has both credentials.
It is about forty years after I see here in Kaisei high school that it is going to happen, I am very happy that it is taking place and now I am over aged to be in front line but I will support these pioneers of English education in Japan.
An old soldier and a
pathfinder of the English education in Japan
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