June 25, 2020
Nihon University
College of Humanities and Science
1. Zoom: first time Zoom worked well.
Now I know I should not touch anything extra.
2. The first semester is ending by the beginning of August.
体育学科 (3: 00-4:00)
925 9962 5341
pass word: 961684
1. We started with a warm up conversation
SOKU LESU EIKAIWA: " How was it?"
English Conversation Time Trial: "the bullet train"
2. Textbook : Unit 4: B of Introduction and Reading
next time answer together with a white board of B of Introduction.
3. Home work: send your answer of A of Unit 4
to gtonihonpe@gmail.com
German and Geo Science:(4:30-5:30)
Zoom: 930 9067 0232
pass word: 961 684
1. We did Warm up conversation; SOKU LESU;
Unit 4 : Introduction and Reading B
2. Home work: Unit 4 A of Introduction and Reading;
if you can do also B and C of Introduction.
3. send your answers to
Thank you
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