October 7, 2016
Aoyama Gakuin University
1. gtoaoyama@gmail.com
2 Blog: .国際教育研究所
3. Facebook: Gtm Okuhara (George TM OkuharaCaswell)
Today: InterAction on Commercials and Ads.
Next Week: Presentation on it.
Next Topic : "Job", your ideal job, or job you know well, or your part time job.
write a resume, find a job, take an interview.
Remember to do Really English ; Start Reallyenglish now!!!!
Finish Reallyenglish by the end of December!!!!
Afternoon (Reading, Core)
Next week Room will change from 15302 to 15301.
1. Journal --exchange/write comments
2. Handouts--Journal Writing topics.
3. Read and Think
Textbook reading and Test and Exercise.
4. News -discussion
-Next News Handouts
5. gtoaoyama@gmail.com, 国際教育研究所、
Facebook: Gtm Okuhara (George TM OkuharaCaswell)
Book Report: November 25
Evening(Academic Skills)
1. gtoaoyama@gmail.com
2. 国際教育研究所
3. Facebook: Gtm Okuhara (George TM OkuharaCaswell)
1. Listening to the second session (Hall's Classification of Cultures)
2. Work on the second session
by download and work together with friends.
3. Go over the first and the second session with your friends/group.
4. The First Test : November 11.
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