
The willow which bends to the tempest often escapes better than the oak which resists it; and so in great calamities, it sometimes happens that light and frivolous spirits recover their elasticity and presence of mind sooner than those of a loftier character.

May 26, 2013
Dear Students and Friends

This week:
1.Reading/writing classes should work with reading and writing journal plus news summary.

2. Oral/ communicative classes should work with textbook, presentation and news summary.

3. Ace classes should work with Kevin Mark sensei's textbook plus what we are doing.

4. Aoyama G University Core  should work with three topics from Journal writing and one news discussion, reading and exercises from the textbooks. Get ready for the book report.

5. Active Listening Online report on Food, Interaction on Food, Do ReallyEnglish.

"The willow which bends to the tempest often escapes better than the oak which resist; and so in great calamities, it sometimes happens that light frivolous spirits recover their elasticity and presence of mind sooner than those of a loftier character."
sir Walter Scott
Scottish poet, novelist, and biographer

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