
August 29, 2017, Tuesday, Meiji University High School

August 29, 2o17, Tuesday
1. Presentation(Journal)
    Topic: Open (No restriction)
                Self Introduction
2. Writing Section: 5, 6, 7, (8)
    A and B
3. Write  Journal: Open
                             (High School)


Meiji University High School, August 28, 2017

August 28, 2017, Monday Meiji University High School, Intensive Summer English
1. explained the procedure:
1. gtomeiji@gmail.com
2.Facebook: Gtm Okuhara-Caswell
3. Blog: aiinstitute.blogspot.com

2. TEAP: writing & reading
    the first two days will be Writing ( 1,2,3,4/ 5,6,7,8 of A & B)
    the second two days will be Speaking
3. Write the Journal daily
4. Do presentation daily.