
May 17, 2015; Blog 15-5-17

May 17, 2015
Dear Students and Friends
Today I had to take care of 8 year-old boy Souchan while mother went to Misono Junior High School explanation day.
I drove to his house in Sakae ward of Yokohama and pick  him up and returned home.
He was playing games by himself but got bored easily, so took him to walk with our dog, "Peace"
We have three major parks in very close by, but I never took a walk to these parks for at least three years because my Shiba dog was too old and sick.
It was a wonderful day to take them to walk.
Returned he wanted to learn Math but I had no Math drill book to provide him with, so taught English with the "drills" I had.  He did well. He has a good concentration skill.
 Hope you have a chance to write on your daily lives or think about your elementary school days.


May 15, 2015; Blog restart, No. 15

May 15, 2015
Dear Friends and Students
I would like to restart this Blog
with the idea that you should write
It is much better to write on your everyday experiencereceived a call and continue his study.

Today I met a professor of Christian Culture,
Professor Takeda at Aoyama U.
It was interesting and refreshing to listen to his conversation.
He is a graduate of ICU and became Roman Catholic by being baptized in
Sankenjaya Catholic Church instead of Protestant of ICU.  He later went to Kyoto U.
and Oxford. He is expert in Christian history and philosophy.
He is a lay member of Franciscan Friary. I did not know such thing existed.
Franciscan is extremely known for poverty. They live like beggars without owning anything
but the monasteries are erected in the middle of cities. This is by their choice.
I find out the wealthiest person in this earth is one who can refuse worldly materials and
live without attachment to it.
(more to be Written)


May 12, 2015 Blog of Journal

May 12, 2015
Dear Students and Friends
As we are progressing in our days of studies as well as everyday life,
I see the best approach to writing or presentation is writing our daily life.
So I would ask you to concentrate on everyday affairs.


May 5/6, 2015, Blog

May 5/6, 2015
Dear Students and Friends
Remember to observe the Syllabus and work accordingly.
This week: (1) follow the guideline.
(2) Speak on the Golden Week.